Module 7: Adding Visual Analytics to an R Graph

 While the first graph made in R was made rather simply, this one required a bit more work in order to try to make the most out of the potential R has for visualizing information.

The code was written in mind to be able to accept a user's input, specifying the variables they want to compare in a visual representation. For example purposes, I overwrote the input to generate a bar plot comparing the miles per gallon a car is rated for compared to the number of cylinders in its engine. As we can see by the visual aid, the more cylinders a car has causes it to burn more fuel rather than cars with lesser amounts of cylinders. Few's recommendation on having data spread out so it's easier for the user to identify unique patterns in the visual aid plays off well in this example, though it could probably be improved by way of coloring each bar according to manufacturer, thereby adding an additional element to consider as well as better grouping the data together.


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